English Language Teaching has undergone a tremendous change in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) era. The reason for the revolution that is taking place in the computing world is because of its impact being reflected in the educational context also. The education system has undergone a tremendous change; the way the learners learn and how the instructor imparts the instruction. There is a whole mind change from the point of view of the learner and instructor in connection to the learning process. Due to this change from the mindset of the learners there is a need for the change in the instruction as well. So this society or the context demands a new approach and different perspective in connection to language teaching and learning. The paper discusses on issues related to the various platforms available for natural learning.It examines the possibilities of Blended method in teaching and learning. It also focuses not only on the learner but also on how learning has to happen in language classrooms and beyond class. There is an emergency call from the learning community which demands a blended teaching and learning of language.
Keywords: Blended Teaching, Information and Communication Technology.
[1] M.Phil Student, Department of English, Bharathiar University.
[2] Assistant Professor, Department of English, Bharathiar University.