The study was conducted on 218 B.Ed trainees in Trichy district towards teaching profession with respects to their sex, residence of the students and marital status. The Teacher Attitude Inventory (TAI) developed by S.P Ahluwalia (1974) questionnaire was used to collect the data which was treated with statistical techniques. Results revealed that not significant variation in the attitude towards of B.Ed trainees in teaching profession with their Gender, residence of the students and marital status is significant.
Education is one of the basic activities of people in all human societies. The continued existence of society depends upon the transmission of culture to the young. It is essential that every new generation must be given training in the ways of the group so that the same tradition will continue. Every society has its own ways and means of fulfilling this need ‘Education’ has come to be one of the ways of fulfilling these needs.
Teacher Education
About a hundred years ago, much importance was not attached to teacher education. But now, this has become so important that no untrained person is appointed to teach in a school recognized by the government.
The concept of attitude occupies the most important place in the investigation. Warren.M.C (1912) defines attitude as the specific mental disposition towards an incoming experience whereby that experience is modified. Thus an attitude is a mental and neutral state or readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to objects and situations with which he/she is related.
Since attitude determines an individual’s behavior, psychologists have attempted to device methods to discover people’s attitudes in the hope that there by predictions may become possible.
Suitable teachers for schools are not available in adequate number. Most of the teachers are intolerant and behave very harshly with students. Hence students are very much afraid of them and they do not like to go to school. The teacher will have to do the full justice in his work only when he develops a spontaneous interest to the subject (profession). In general, in any system of education, it is the teacher who occupies the pivotal position.
The success or failure of the system depends on his/her attitude, interest, knowledge and skills. Among these attitude occupies the key position. In a developing country like India, a teacher in school carries a heavy responsibility regarding the development of children on his/her shoulders. He has to see that the rich cultural-heritage of our nation is transmitted to our younger generation and prepare them for facing several changes of life.
A number of recommendations have been made by so many commissions to improve education qualitatively. But the success of the educational programme depends on the favorable attitude towards teaching profession. So it is the high time in which the research study should be done to the pre-service students’ attitude towards teaching profession, since they are the future teachers. Hence the attitude of teacher trainees of B.Ed Trichy District towards teaching profession has been considered as a problem of a study.
The teacher is the maker of the nation. He/she produces administrators, statesmen, physicians, engineers, lawyers and other types of worthy citizens.
The progress of a nation ultimately depends upon the quality of its teacher. No national reconstruction is possible without the active co-operation of the teacher. For active co-operation, teacher needs positive attitude towards teaching profession.
The trainees of today are the teacher of tomorrow. The trainees should have positive attitude towards teaching profession. Then only it is possible to develop a desired outcome in the school education. Hence the researcher would like to know the attitude of B.Ed trainees of trichy district towards the teaching profession.
The study proposes to investigate the attitude of B.Ed trainees of trichy district towards teaching profession. The main scope is to find out whether they have a favorable attitude towards teaching profession or not. The investigator hopes that the findings of this study will provide certain concrete suggestions which will be helpful in the improvement of teacher education.
- To find out whether there is a significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between male and female B.Ed trainees.
- To find out whether there is a significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between rural and urban B.Ed trainees.
- To find out whether there is a significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between married and unmarried B.Ed trainees.
- There will be no significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between male and female B.Ed trainees.
- There will be no significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between rural and urban B.Ed trainees.
- There is no significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between married and unmarried B.Ed trainees.
Tools Used:
The present study, the Teacher Attitude Inventory (TAI) developed by S.P Ahluwalia (1974) was selected. The TAI consist of 90 statements aimed to identify the professional attitude of the teacher.
Sample of the Study:
The study was carried out on a simple random sample of 180 B.Ed trainees from seven B.Ed colleges in trichy district. While selecting the samples due consideration was given to factors such as sex, location of students, marital status and medium.
Questionnaire was used for this study. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed in a proper way. Also the data were analyzed from many angles to find out newer fact. The mean scores were found out regarding the responses in terms of variables’t’ values were computed.
Hypotheses Testing:
Hypothesis 1
Table 1. Significance of Difference in the Mean Attitude Scores towards Teaching Profession between Male and Female B.Ed Trainees
Sex | N | Mean | SD | df | ‘t’ value | Level of significance |
Male | 85 | 266.20 | 27.32 | 216 | 1.445 | Not |
Female | 133 | 260.77 | 26.87 | significant |
The above table reveals that the obtained t-value 1.445 is less than the table values 1.96 at 0.05 levels. So it is found that the‘t’values is not significant at 0.05 level. So the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between male and female B.Ed trainees. This indicates that sex does not have a role in the attitude of B.Ed trainees.
` Hypothesis 2
Significance of Difference in the Mean Attitude Scores towards Teaching Profession between Rural and Urban B.Ed Trainees
Residence | N | Mean | SD | df | ‘t’ value | Level of significance |
Rural | 74 | 265.00 | 26.06 | 216 | 0.823 | Not |
Urban | 144 | 261.81 | 27.66 | significant |
The above table reveals that the obtained t-value 0.823 is less than the table values 1.96 at 0.05 levels. So it is found that the‘t’values is not significant at 0.05 level. So the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between rural and urban B.Ed trainees. It shows that rural B.Ed trainees and urban B.Ed trainees do not differ in their mean attitude toward teaching profession.
Hypothesis 3
Significance of Difference in the Mean Attitude Scores towards Teaching Profession between Married and Unmarried B.Ed Trainees
Marital Status | N | Mean | SD | df | ‘t’ value | Level of significance |
Married | 54 | 254.37 | 25.55 | 216 | 2.701 | |
Unmarried | 164 | 265.70 | 27.10 | significant |
The above table reveals that the obtained t-value 2.701 is greater than the table values 2.576 at 0.01 levels. So it is found that the‘t’values is significant at 0.01 level. So the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between married and unmarried B.Ed trainees. The unmarried B.Ed trainees have got more attitudes towards teaching profession than the married B.Ed trainees.
- There is no significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between male and female B.Ed trainees.
- There is no significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between rural and urban B.Ed trainees.
- There is significant difference in the mean attitude scores towards teaching profession between married and unmarried B.Ed trainees.
The study aimed at exploring the attitude levels of the B.Ed trainees provided strange experience to the researcher. The findings of the study showed that showed that some of the variables such as sex, residence of the trainees could not influence the attitude levels of B.Ed trainees of trichy district; whereas the variables such as marital status have showed their influence on attitude levels. This study indicates that the B.Ed trainees have favorable attitude towards teaching profession. Hence the present selection procedure of the B.Ed trainees may be continued.
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[1] Principal i/c, Divine College of Education, North Ariyavoor, Thogaimalai Road, Trichy-9.
[2] Asst.Professor, Department of Educational Technologhy, Bharathidasan,University, Trichy.