“The progress of nation is decided not in legislature, not in court, not in factories; but in schools” – S. Balakrishna Joshi
The present world is sophisticated and mechanised one; the rates of development in countries are bigger than before. Development is linked with fast and remarkable human changes. When we discuss about the development it is very important to think about the quality of human race. It is assumed that when development takes place the quality of living will also improve.
One of the focuses of education is quality of human race. Attitudes and values have an imperative responsibility in the quality of human race. Experiences and thoughts have an important role to play in the various areas of daily life of an individual like emotional, social, academic, and vocational areas and it is essential part of the personality of the child also. Indiscipline among children is a major problem for parents and teachers. Way back, the Education Commission (Government of India, 1964-66) had expressed serious concern over growing indiscipline among students. This will be a threat to quality of human race.
The present condition of our country is not desirable. Family disruption and social and domestic violence are increasing. National Crimes Records Bureau of India also published the rate of crimes in the country which shows the quality of the human race is deteriorating. In this globalised world, the rate of literacy and enrolment ratio has increased but the rate of crimes is also increasing.
[1] Associate Professor, Farook Training College, Farook, and Research guide, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
[2] Research Scholar, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, and Assistant Professor, Farook Training College, Farook.