EDUCATION FOR ALL – A SOCIOLOGICAL PERCEPTIVE by Anand[1] and S.Vedapurieswaran[2]
Abstract According to Plato, education refers to the training given to socially accepted habits, virtues
pISSN 2320-9305 eISSN 2347-5706
Abstract According to Plato, education refers to the training given to socially accepted habits, virtues
INTRODUCTION The explosion of information in science and technology has influenced every area of
Abstract Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), 2012 indicates that in std III 26.2%,
Abstract Theatre can foster language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening by creating
Abstract Education is an essential requirement of every citizen. It is the key and
Abstract This paper tries to bring forth the issue of the same reader finding the
ABSTRACT The investigator developed a Java Applet Package on Vector Algebra pertaining to the
India culture is based on the Indian religious scriptures especially the Vedas, the earliest literature
Abstract Impulsiveness scale for secondary school students has been standardized on the sample of 250
Abstract In the present study it has been shown the Potential Effect of teacher