India has two groups of people – t ribals and non-tribal belonging to two racial groups just like Negros and Writes in the USA through India does not experience racial segregation, yet there is no doubt that tribals and non-tribals come from two di fferent cultural backgrounds. From the angel of modern concept o f d evelopment, Tribals are more b ackward than non-tribals. Tribal and non-tribal h ave k ept their own id entity. T hey have their own traditions, customs, faiths, law and justice. Despite this, they are very close to nature, devoid of humdrum of modern li fe. Their identity is intact b ecause of isolation from general population. T ribal and non-tribal people
belong to different racial stocks. Tribal have simple society with subsistent economy, depending upon primitive tools and techniques where as non-tribal have complex society with sound economy depending upon advance technology, better opportunities and facilities.