To save our ecosystem environmental values should be inculcated from the beginning of the child
development which will definitely influence his attitudes towards environment. Past studies found that supporters of environmental protection tended to be younger in age. However, studies have also found that youngsters often fail to translate these concerns in to action. Compared to all others, young children and adolescents constitute a large citizen group with the potential for constructing a powerful collective force in society for environmental protection. With appropriate guidance adolescents could constitute an important and legitimate societal force for environmental protection. Given the anticipated life span of these individuals in improving the levels of this group’s behavioural commitment to environmental protection would positively enhance the quality of the environment. Thus it is worthwhile to investigate how effective environmental attitude is present among various groups of secondary students which comprises of adolescents. Findings revealed that male the female students of secondary level do not differ from one another on environmental attitude, So it can be said that secondary level students irrespective of being male or female have same environmental attitude, results related to secondary students of ICSE and CBSE board have shown that environment attitude of male students of ICSE and CBSE board is nearly the same, while female students of ICSE and CBSE board differ from one another on environmental attitude. This may be due to the reason that male students as compared to female students of secondary level of ICSE and CBSE board are less affected by the environmental education given to them. In case of girls, CBSE board females show better environmental
attitude as compared to those of ICSE board, might be due to reason that environmental education of CBSE board is more practical as compared to that of ICSE board.
Keywords: Environmental attitude, Secondary school students.