Many students around the world spend substantial amount of time on the internet, which leads to internet addiction. The internet acts as a mechanism for students in 3 ways, Information disseminations (e.g. Educational purpose), Social interactions (social network sites, emails, chats, blogs), Entertainment (e.g. Games, songs, videos, films). This research aims to study Internet Addiction causing academic achievement on 11th grade students in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Lack of concentration, Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), dry eyes, unhealthy eating habits etc., are some of reasons that leads to academic achievement. Though many other factors causes academic, this research focuses on internet addiction and its impacts on academic achievement. The methodology which will be used is sampling method. The study is expected to create a better understanding on the impact of internet addiction on learning difficulties and will explore potential remedies.
Keywords: Internet addiction, Academic achievement, Lack of concentration, Unhealthy food habits, Computer vision syndrome.
[1] Assistant Professor, SRM University