Poverty reduction and the up liftment of the dis-advantaged sections in the society are the important goals of all development programmes sponsored by the state and central government in India. It includes poverty alleviation schemes and employment generation programmes. In which the first is based on the concept of the direct transfer of benefits to the targeted persons. Latter is based on the concept of giving opportunity to nourish them by being employed. For social development government spend fund for educational schemes, which enable the beneficiaries get in access to formal education and thereby in nation building. However, the schemes of government have been attached greater importance to the removal poverty and reducing the disparity / inequality that exist among the people and regions (like between states). It is criticising that the spending for poverty alleviations through the direct or indirect transfer of funds to the beneficiaries is less productive than the social and cultural development schemes (SSA, RUSA, NLM etc…). It necessitates an appraisal on all poverty and employment generation schemes to reduce the wastage of the most valued resources.
[1] UGC-Research Scholar, University College Trivandrum