The children of today are the future of tomorrow; this powerful statement assumes special significance in our context as children (0-14 years) comprise one third of the total population in the country. Every child, on provision of a conducive and an enabling environment, may blossom into an ever fragrant flower, to shine in all spheres of life. This reminds us of the onerous responsibility that we have to mould and shape their present conditions in the best possible way. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is applicable with regard to all persons under the age of 18. But the Committee on the Rights of the Child has noted regularly when reviewing the reports submitted by states parties that information on the implementation of the Convention with respect to children before the age of regular schooling is often very limited. Usually, for these young children, the reports cover only certain aspects of health care, mainly infant mortality, immunization and malnutrition, and selected issues in education chiefly related to kindergarten and pre-school. Other important issues are rarely addressed. Education has been made too easy for the students so that more and more students can enter into the scope of education system of the country. The announcements like abolishing compulsory CBSE board exams for class 10th from the session 2010-11, introduction of grading system, the passage of Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Bill, reservation policies etc. are a few among them. Now the question arises as to what extent such efforts in the field of education have succeeded in different states of the country. This paper discusses the importance of child rights for a better tomorrow.
Keywords: Child rights, Drop-out rate, Human rights.
[1] Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. Of. Sociology, Osmania University, Hyderabad.