ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. In schools, ICT is a set of tools for teaching and learning in all areas of the curriculum. ICT can improve motivation, thinking and achievement across all subjects so they should be used as learning tools in all subjects. ICT enables students to construct and represent their own knowledge from the vast amounts of information, real-world and virtual environments available to them. Students operate ICT to inquire, access, reflect on and manage information, to create, generate and test ideas and to evaluate and communicate their understanding with others. ICT enables students to manipulate and create information and information products, and communicate in diverse and creative ways across the globe. ICT skills and understandings are necessary for a productive and rewarding life and can play a significant part in connecting people and enhancing their well being. By promoting information literacy in schools, students can become actively engaged and informed citizens in local and global communities. They build critical and reflective thinking. ICT Knowledge enable learners to be self directed and to assume greater control over their learning. This paper focuses on ICT Knowledge among secondary school students and aimed in constructing a tool to measure the ICT Knowledge of Secondary School Students. This paper discusses about the development and validation of the tool.
Key words: Information Communication Technology ( ICT), ICT Knowledge, Secondary School students
[1] Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Education, Karpagam University.
[2] Professor, Department of Education, Annamalai University