The present experimental study assesses the effect of Learning Objects (LOs) on Interest and Achievement in Educational Psychology. LO is “any digital resource that can be used and reused to support learning”. (Wiley 2003) In order to study its impact Pretest posttest control group design was adapted for the experiment; a total number of 123 B.Ed students in Mysore, India were selected through purposive sampling technique. LOs created in two units of the course were used to teach experimental group whereas control group was taught in conventional method. Pretest and posttest were conducted with help of Interest Inventory and Achievement test in Educational Psychology. Both tools were constructed by the researcher. Content validity of both the tools was established by experts in the field of Educational Psychology. A pilot test was conducted to establish validity by factor analysis in SPSS software. The Cronbach’s alpha correlation coefficient was found to be 0.72 for Achievement test and 0.86 for Interest Inventory which indicate a high index of reliability. Independent samples t-test was run to compare means of two variables. The results show that there is significant difference between means of experimental and control group. It is interpreted that Experimental group showed better performance in Achievement test and also they were found to be more interested in Educational Psychology.
Keywords: Learning object, Interest.
[1] Research Scholars in Education, Department of Studies in Education, University of Mysore
[2] Asst. Professor in Education, Department of Studies in Education, University of Mysore