Child rights are not a new concept indeed. But the importance given to child rights in class room and school is a recent trend in India. The UN declaration on the Rights of the Child has brought out legal and moral responsibilities on nations including India to work for the rights of the child. We may read the UN Declaration as a suggested “contract” between the child and adult generations. The contract is built upon the three hard P’s; Provision, Protection and Participation.
Provision refers to sharing and distribution; it includes the right to possess, receive or have access to certain resources and services (in this context for education). Protection stands for the right to be shielded from certain acts and practices (social and individual misuses).The state and the society should make necessary legislations and take protective measures for the best interest of the child. Participation stands for the right to do things, express oneself and have an effective voice as an individual child and as a larger group.
Serious attempts have already been initiated in Kerala to reform the classrooms and the schools in accordance with the spirits of the Rights of the child.
Kerala state has significant achievement in the field of education. The priorities and considerations given for the child helped to enhance enrolment and retention of children in schools. The present study investigates the Provision, Protection and Participation aspects of child rights among tribal students in Kasaragod district of Kerala.
The present study reveals that the Provision, Protection and Participation aspects of child rights are low among the tribal students. The study also reveals that there is no significant difference between genders in Provision, Protection and Participation aspect of child rights. There was no significant relationship between provision – protection, provision – participation and protection – participation aspects of child rights among tribal students in Kasaragod district of Kerala.