Upanishad is a combination of idealism, realism, epistemology, metaphysics, psychology,
environment education. The Upanishads is the Sacred Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma and the Sacred Scriptures of Hinduism. It is the Abstract of Vedanta. Upa means pre, ni means differently, shad means easiest. Upanishad does not describe the mean of discrimination. It teaches us to submit “myself” in front of Guru with modesty and seat down nearby of guru. Prashna Upanishad gives the example of taking seat at same level about Guru and sishya both. Upanishad gives us the feeling of: every person is god in his own view are a collection of texts in the Vedic Sanskrit language which contain the earliest emergence of some of the central religious concepts of Hinduism, some of which are shared with Buddhism and Jainism. The Upanishads are considered by Hindus to contain revealed truths (Sruti) concerning the nature of ultimate reality (Brahman) and describing the character and form of human salvation (moksha).Actually it represents the education system of 700 sq.km of northern India. With the translation of the Upanishads in the early 19th century they also started to attract attention from a western audience. Schopenhauer was deeply impressed by the Upanishads and called it “the production of the highest human wisdom”. The 19th century transcendentalists noted the influence of the Upanishads in western philosophy. This paper will highlight the upanishadic education and the nourishment of it in recent Indian Education especially on the light of Our Visva-Bharati.
Keywords: idealism, realism, epistemology, metaphysics, psychology, environment education, Visva- Bharati.