The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting teacher’s motivation and their attitude towards teaching profession in primary schools of Afar region in Ethiopia. To accomplish this purpose, the researcher employed descriptive survey method and applied both quantitative and qualitative approaches for the collection of data. With this respect, 56 teachers and 8 school principals were selected by using simple random and comprehensive sampling techniques respectively as the respondents for the study. The data gathering instruments were the open and closed ended questionnaires developed by the researcher himself to collect the data from the respondents. Data obtained through questionnaire was interpreted both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of this study have revealed that, teachers in the primary schools have a positive attitude towards their profession. Lack of adequate salary and additional incentives, low status of the profession in society, lack of fair transfer and promotion said to be the major factors that are affecting teachers work motivation and performance. It has been recommended that, in order to solve such problems, the District Education Office, Regional Education Office and Ministry of Education in cooperation with their stakeholders and all concerned bodies at different levels should provide reasonable solutions to the financial problems of primary school teachers. Fringe benefit and promotion, and teacher transfer are also other activities that district education office and its experts should maintain consciously.
Keywords: Motivation, Attitude, Teaching Profession, Factors Affecting, Primary Schools