Yoga is the art and science of living. The evolution of the human mind and body is its concern and therefore incorporates a system of disciplines for furthering an integrated development of all aspects of a human individual. Due to modern education productivity, creativity and resources are increasing but on the other hand the man is on the verge of losing moral, religious, cultural and social values which are the most important integral parts of education system. Due to modernization man is not getting peace of mind, becoming violent, aggressive as well as physical and mental disorders are increasing. The reason behind these events is the man’s disturbed awareness created due to the disintegration of physique, mind, intellect and spirit. In this context yoga is to be integrated in modern education because yoga has the complete message for humanity, human body human mind and for human spirit. The meaning of integration of yoga in modern education is the harmonization of aims and objects of traditional and spiritual values with the values of science and technology to recognize man as a ‘whole man’, gives the power of self-expression and self-realization.
Keywords: Yoga education, Holistic development.