The vital relationship between education and national development needs hardly to be over-emphasized. Education has all along been a powerful instrument of social, economic, political and cultural change and it thereby gave strong impetus to national development. In the ultimate process of development, the role of education is to impart knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills to human resources fully and effectively. Probably, this is why that the contribution of education to national development is being increasingly realized today more than ever before and development is now conceived primarily as a process of education. India cannot achieve economic development, social transformation and effective social security until and unless the citizens are educated to the extent that enables them to participate in the country’s developmental programmes, willingly, intelligently and effectively. The need for education continues to grow is evident from the increasing investment in educational programmes and corresponding demand for it. Every country develops its system of education to meet the challenges of times. Thus, the present for a better future and indeed, of mankind, the very aim of education is to develop an integrated personality, suitably stuffed and equipped from all dimensions, viz., physical, mental, moral, emotional and vocational. Therefore, there is a need to reshape to change the attitude of masses through education and training.