In modern day classrooms teaching and learning process has taken a paradigm shift and the video-based instruction has provided a new impetus to it. Video assisted instruction can provide a consistent form of teaching and can communicate certain concepts in a visual and realistic manner as compared to the conventional method of teaching which is lecture or lecture cum demonstration method. The investigator followed an experimental research approach for this study. In the present study the investigator undertook a sample of thirty secondary school students and used a pre-test and post-test equivalent group of experimental design. A pre-test was conducted for both the control and experimental groups and the treatment through video-based lectures was given to the experimental group and conventional method of teaching to the control group for the selected content. At the end of the treatment a post-test was conducted on both control and experimental groups. At the end of the study it was found that the pre-test academic achievement scores in biology of both the control and experimental group students were similar. The post-test mean academic achievement scores in biology of the experimental group students is higher than the control group students on total sample and the post-test mean academic achievement scores in biology of control and experimental group students are better than the pre-test mean academic achievement scores of control and experimental group students with regard to gender and locality. The purpose of the present paper was to evaluate that how the implementation of an educational video for the selected content was able to influence the understanding of the educational process and how it has been able to improve the academic performance of the students in classroom in comparison to conventional method of teaching. This paper elaborates that video should be used as a facet of instruction along with other resource material available to a teacher so as to effectively teach and improve the overall academic achievement of the biology students. Keywords: Videos assisted instruction, ICTs, Web-based technology, Methods of teaching biology, Educational video, Inquiry-based teaching.