The aim of the present research was to investigate the relationship of problem solving ability, scientific creativity with achievement in science of secondary school students. Survey method was used. The sample comprised of 300 students of Classes IX STD studying in schools affiliated to state Education in Kanchipuram district of Tamilnadu. Standardized tools used to access the variables were The problem solving ability Test (PSAT-D) developed and validated by N. Dubey (2006). Scientific creativity scale developed and validated by VP Sharma and JP Shukla (1985). Marks of students from school records were taken as a measure of their Achievement in science. The data was analyzed using t- test and f ratio and correlation. Problem solving ability was found to be significant in type of school, management and parental occupation and Scientific creativity was found to be significant in gender, type of management and type of school. Problem solving ability and Scientific creativity was found to be significantly influenced by Achievement in science of secondary school students.
Keywords: Problem solving ability, Scientific creativity, Achievement in science, Secondary school students.