Knowledge about science and technology is inevitable in this modern world. There is a great demand for communicating and/or popularizing science among the teachers/masses. There are three aims of popularizing science: one, to reduce science-phobia in general population; two, to help the youth in their choice of career; and three, to prepare the ground for good public reception of scientific endeavors, which in turn will favour research funding through democratic institutions. In this study, an attempt has been made to study the attitude of school teachers towards popularization of science. For this purpose 248 school teachers were randomly selected and Attitude Scale towards Science Popularization developed by Saini was administered on them. t-test was employed to find out the significance of difference between the various groups. The results indicated that school gender-wise, locality-wise and type of management of school-wise, all the teachers do not differ significantly in their attitude towards popularization of science. Keywords: Popularization, Attitude, Technology and scientific instructors.