There are many stages in the development of an individual. Adolescence is a crucial period in the life of an individual. In this period the child moves from dependence and restrictions of childhood to adult independence and freedom from parental restrictions. For some youngsters this dynamic, intense period of time may be a difficult one. Many adolescents face psycho social problems at any stage of their development. In order to equip the adolescents emotionally as well as to provide proper guidance, Career guidance and counselling units are functioning in higher secondary schools. The main aim of the study was to find out the different types of problems perceived by school counselors and the gender wise analysis of the problems perceived by school counselors in Kerala. . Data collected from 60 school counselors using the questionnaire on adolescent problems perceived by school counselors in Kerala. From the study it was found that up to 10 students approached for counselling per month during the year 2016-2017.physical problems, social problems, psychological problems and educational problems were the different problems perceived by school counselors. Social problems were perceived by school counselors in high percentage and educational problems were perceived by counselors in a low level. The gender wise analysis showed that educational and family problems lead both boys and girls to counselling. . Drug abuse was more reported in boys and sexual abuse was more reported in girls. Nobody reported that more girls approached for counselling because of drug abuse, more boys approached because of sexual abuse and educational problems. Keywords: Adolescent problems, School counselors, Higher secondary schools, Physical problems, Psychological problems, Social problems, Educational problems.