This study investigated the career attitude of senior secondary students as related to their self-esteem, academic achievement and vocational aspirations. Population for the study consisted of all government and private senior secondary school students of Himachal Pradesh. The sample for the study comprised 1000 students of standard XI selected using multistage sampling technique. The present study is descriptive in nature and survey method had been used. Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) by Gupta (1989), Self-esteem Inventory by Prasad and Thakur (1977) and Self developed vocational aspirations scale were used for data collection. Further, scores in tenth grade examinations conducted by Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharmashala were taken as the academic achievement of senior secondary school students. The data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. The findings of study revealed that senior secondary students having positive and negative self-esteem and those having high and low academic achievement differed significantly in their attitude towards career. Further, senior secondary students having positive self-esteem were higher on career attitude as compare to their counterparts. Senior secondary students having high academic achievement had higher career attitude than those having low academic achievement. No significance difference was found in career attitude with respect to their vocational aspirations. Keywords: Career attitude, Self esteem, Academic achievement, Vocational aspirations.