The present study was conducted to compare the level of self-concept, stress and level of educational aspirations of physically challenged and normal students of Jammu Province. The sample of the study consisted of 410 students (205 physically challenged students and 205 normal students) studying in 8th, 9th and 10th class in inclusive school settings. The sample was selected by using both cluster and random sampling technique. Children’s Self Concept Scale (Hindi) developed by S.P Ahluwalia and H.S Singh was used to study the self-concept. To study the level of stress among students, Student Stress Scale (English) developed by Dr. Zaki Akhtar (2011) was used and Level of Educational Aspiration Test (English) developed by Yashmin Ghani Khan was used for studying the educational aspirations of the students. The data was analyzed by using statistical techniques like Mean, Standard Deviation and C.R. Findings of the study revealed that normal students have better self-concept, are less stressed and have higher educational aspirations than physically challenged students. The paper makes certain suggestions for improving the self-concept of physically challenged students, reducing their level of stress and developing motivation of these students. Keywords: Self-concept, Stress, Educational aspirations, Physically challenged students