The objective of the study was to examine the effect of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy in enhancing the problem solving abilities of higher secondary school students. A sample of 120 (66 Male, 54 Female) students were included by adopting multistage purposive sampling technique from selected two different government junior colleges in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh and stratified into Gender, Subject-discipline (60 MPC, 60 MEC) and achievement levels. The pre-test post-test equivalent method was adopted for the present study. The quasi-experimental design was followed for the present study. Data was collected by administrating a problem solving ability test developed by L.N. Dubey. The statistical analysis was carried out by central tendency measures, paired t-test and gap closure. Findings of the investigation reveals that students thought through Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy is achieved significantly higher Problem solving abilities than the conventional based instruction of higher secondary school students with respect to total sample, gender, subject discipline and achievement levels; Therefore it concluded that the Cooperative Learning Strategy has advantage over the conventional based instruction in developing the problem solving abilities of students. Keywords: Jigsaw cooperative learning strategy, Conventional based instruction, Problem solving abilities, Subject discipline, Achievement levels.