The outcomes of the learner are decided by the competency of teachers who handle them. Teacher training programmes have significant role in the competency enhancement of teachers. The National Council for teacher education continuously review and revise the teacher education curriculum to equip the prospective teachers with the essential skills and competencies. The quality of professional preparation of teachers has a crucial role in the educational progress of a nation. There are many theoretical foundations for practicing OBE, among them Blooms Taxonomy is the widely accepted one. Hence the present study explores the perceptions of student teachers on the application of Blooms Taxonomy in OBE. Here Investigators took survey method and Document Analysis for the study. Questionnaire of 20 items prepared and executed to 40 teacher trainees of Physical Science and Natural Science optional subjects respectively. The obtained scores have been analyzed with percentage analysis. Observation from the lesson template also recorded.
Keywords: Blooms Taxonomy, Outcome Based Learning.
[1] Assistant Professor in Natural Science, Mar Theophilus Training college, Nalanchira , Tvpm.
[2] Principal Mount Tabor Training College ,Pathanapuram ,Kollam