According to Gandhi’s educational philosophy, work and knowledge are inextricably linked. The emphasis on the lifetime nature of education, its social aspect, and its form as a holistic process were the three pillars of Gandhi’s pedagogy (Kumari, S.,2016). Education is the most effective means of encouraging youth to value the dignity of work and to acquire a variety of skills. Universities can greatly benefit the nation by turning all the children into skilled manpower. The aim of this study is to find out the level of professional ethics of Prospective Teachers through experiential learning. Professional ethics is the term used to describe the traits that make up the teaching profession, such as duties, attitudes, honesty, fairness, integrity, diligence, loyalty, cooperation, justice, faithfulness, respect for others and oneself, teaching methods, student evaluations, and behaviour standards. (Sreevardha,2018). A set of self-imposed professional standards and principles required for achieving professional success and self-satisfaction can be referred to as the code of professional ethics (Arora, G.L., and Chopra, K.R., Encyclopedia of Indian Education NCERT,2004). The research was a survey type, which consists of simple random sampling of 45 prospective teachers. The researcher has constructed and validated the Prospective Teachers Professional Ethics Scale (PTPES). This study indicates how experiential learning influence the Professional Ethics of prospective teachers.
Keywords: Nai Talim, Professional Ethics, Holistic Process, Prospective Teachers.
[1] Research Scholar, Dept. of Education, GRI-DTBU, Gandhigram
[2] Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education, GRI-DTBU, Gandhigram