Teaching and learning is a wonder-full work that needs to show the fundamentals of component sending and receiving information digitally with the use of computer and associated with ICT tools used here to learning and teaching. The paper belongs to the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for enriching performance in learning and teaching by using multimedia to refer to the benefit of teaching techniques and impart the knowledge to the student, here teacher tries to import knowledge to a student which kind of way they will understand then they can easily to recognize it. The obstacle in ICT education is a lack of knowledge and skill they are hardly every brilliant training teacher are in ICT education formally skilled in ICT. This ICT education brings more innovation to teachers and students to better understand. Teaching and learning is a wonder full work need to show to fundamental of component sending and receiving information digitally with the use of a computer and associated with ICT tool using here to learning and teaching .this paper belongs to the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for enriching performance in learning and teaching by using multimedia to refer the benefit of teaching techniques and Import the knowledge to the student, Here teacher tries to the import the knowledge to a student which kind of way they will understand then they can easily to recognize it good manner.
The obstacle in ICT education is a lack of knowledge and skill they are hardly every brilliant training teacher are in ICT education formally they skilled in ICT. In ICT education brings more innovation to teachers and students to get better understanding. ICT tools and training are a general recommendation and it will, be stable funding to ICT companies.
[1] Research scholar, Department of Pedagogical Sciences, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97
[2] Registrar i/c, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97