Mission Life aims to make a real difference in the world we live in. Environment protection and preservation of natural resources for future generations are very vital for survival of mankind on Earth. Persistent endeavor for modernization and unrestricted exploitation of resources provided by mother nature has led to drastic repercussions. Nature fury and unheard catastrophes are a regular feature nowadays. Discarding old habits and attitudes for a higher goal has gained immense importance. Relinquishing the notion, that, eco-conscious living involves giving up on our everyday conveniences. This is the right time of finding innovative ways to adopt a green lifestyle that protects our planet and helps our local communities thrive. India has initiated and is taking preemptive measures in this direction. The mission Life, an initiative of Government of India, envisages holistic progress and prosperity of nation by creating such citizens who are sensitive towards environmental protection and preservation. It envisages adopting and promoting environment-friendly lifestyles.
Keywords: eco-conscious living, catastrophes, mission life, holistic progress, environment friendly lifestyles