Humour would be an integral part of the teaching-learning process to get continuous attention from the students. Great teachers inspire their pupil in many ways and make teaching interesting (Powers, 2005). Torok. S, McMorris. R, & Lin. W, (2004) explored that if we use humour in a good way, it can increase students learning, improve our problem-solving ability and relieve stress. Kumar & Dhiman (2019) explored that Effective Teachers are more humorous and use more Self-Enhancing humour of humour styles as compared to their In-Effective teachers’ group. Mehta, A. (2022) concluded that teachers with a good sense of humour Increases Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Teachers, Encourages People to Work Together, Enhance Overall Brain Power, Improves Decision Making and Aids in Learning. Kumar & Dhiman (2019) revealed that we can use humour for quality upgrading and for management of education along with dealing life at school or institutions. Moreover, this present paper provides some valid indication that humour may maximize the learning outcomes in the classroom settings. Furthermore, this paper presents the plans and strategy to make teachers have a formed opinion of the use of appropriate humour (Positive Humour) in delivery of content while teaching-learning process in classroom.
Keywords: education, effective learning, humour, teacher