The current study examines how the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into education system is continuously transforming teaching and learning with innovations like personalized learning systems, chatbots and learning analytics. Nowadays, teachers are required to gather the related knowledge and skills to effectively leverage these technologies for designing AI enhanced lesson plans, enhancing student learning and automating administrative tasks. This research study investigates the influence of AI awareness on pre-service teacher’s perceptions of Artificial Intelligence-enabled Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (AI-TPACK). The integration of ICT tools offers numerous benefits to both educators and students. These tools boost student participation and motivation by offering interactive and multimedia-enriched learning encounters. They also facilitate personalized learning through adaptive systems and customized learning pathways, catering to individual student needs and preferences. Collaboration and communication tools foster active learning and encourage meaningful interactions among students and between students and instructors, transcending geographical barriers. ICT tools expand access to a vast range of digital resources, empowering students to explore diverse learning materials and develop critical thinking skills
Keywords: artificial intelligence, learning, perception, pedagogical implications