Quality of teaching and learning, sustain life-long learning, and improve efficiency and effectiveness in management, teaching practices help shape the learning experiences and increase motivation and achievement for students. In addition, it has been revealed that when teachers collaborate well together they also tend to work better with students. Teachers themselves will make the final decisions from among many alternatives. Such judgments may be good or poor. Therefore, it is important for teachers to constantly re-evaluate their decisions. This can be achieved through collaborative and reflective practices in teacher education. The Creation of a statutory body like NCTE for accrediting programs and institutions and for quality assurance in teacher education signifies the wide acknowledgement of the criticality of quality in teacher education. To develop capability in teacher education there is organized many programs for heads of schools and school complexes and supervisory staff, provide training and orientation programs to the functionaries of alternative educational strategies aimed at universal elementary education and era diction of illiteracy, provide academic support to schools and other agencies engaged in education of adults, undertake research experiments with innovative educational ideas. We successfully utilize current research and quality teaching practices to accelerate student learning and meet their individual needs. Teacher makes daily use of the latest technologies, including interactive whiteboards, to enhance learning outcomes.
[1] Assistant Professor (Education), ICDEOL, H.P.University, Shimla.
[2] Ph.D Research Scholar, Department Of Education, H.P.University, Shimla.