Teachers are beset in a paradoxical situation while dealing with adolescent students particularly with respect to their Academic Achievement. In our complex industrial society there are outbursts of knowledge in every next second and formal education is ever more important in shaping one’s career. The adolescent community which shows little interest in education focuses attention on electronic gadgets, motor vehicles, highways of internet, sports, popular music and other matters which are unrelated to schools.
The present study was carried out with the purpose of studying the relationship between Competitiveness and Academic Achievement of adolescent students. The sample for the study comprised of 150 adolescent students studying in the Higher Secondary Schools of Thiruvananthapuram district. Results revealed a significant positive correlation and significant difference in the mean scores of Competitiveness and Academic Achievement.
Keywords: Competitiveness, Academic achievement.
[1] UGC-Senior Research Fellow, Department of Education, University of Kerala.