The present study has been undertaken to know the relationship between emotional intelligence and social responsibility of boy students in middle school using correlation. Survey method was adopted for the study. Data were collected from 100 boy students studying in Miandoab City of Iran during the academic year, 2012-13 who were selected randomly. The tool used by the investigator is Bar-On’s Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (1997). For analysis of data and interpretation of results Mean, Standard deviation, coefficient of determination and Pearson’s Co-efficient Correlation techniques were used.
The finding shows that between emotional intelligence and social responsibility of students there is a significant and positive relationship. Similarly interpersonal relationships and the social responsibility of students, there was a significant positive correlation. Finally Interpretation and some Recommendations have been given by the investigator based on the findings.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Social responsibility, Middle school.
[1] PhD, Research Scholar in Education, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India
[2] Asst Professor, Department Of Educational Science, Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran
[3] Asst Professor in Education, GCTE,University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India