The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship of creative thinking, level of aspiration & academic achievement of students. The sample of study consisted of 200 subjects studying in class XI & XII (science stream) in four senior secondary schools of Shimla (H.P.). Test of “level of aspiration” by Singh and Tiwari and Baquer Mehdi’s Verbal test of creative thinking (Hindi) were used for data collection. The total marks obtained by the students in X & XI class examination were taken as academic achievement of the students. The investigator used the technique of “correlation” for the analysis of data. The results of the study revealed that fluency & originality were positively related with academic achievement whereas flexibility did not bear any relationship with academic achievement. Also the total creativity score was negatively related to academic achievement. Level of aspiration was positively related with all dimensions of creative thinking i.e. fluency, flexibility, originality & total creativity.
[1] Assistant Professor (Education), ICDEOL, H.P.University, Shimla.