Skill could be defined as the ability to develop an expertise in a particular task. This holds true for teachers as well as the teacher trainees, for whom skill development is an essential component during the teaching –learning process. Individuals engaged in teaching profession needs to hone new skills as well as maintain the already learnt skills. The expected skills to be developed by teacher trainee are critical thinking skills, patience, communication skill, organizational skill etc. This is possible to exhibit when the teacher trainees are given the opportunity to teach in the classroom. However, the recent pandemic, turned the education system towards the online mode, thus putting the aspirant teacher trainees in a challenging situation. The present study highlights the challenges faced by the teacher trainees as well as in-service teachers while providing the online class it also aimed at understanding and assessing the opportunities and challenges the teacher trainees’ as well as the in-service teachers encounters while teaching children through the online mode or recorded class. 45 participants (21 in-service teachers and 24 teacher trainees) were approached to participate in the study. A likert type of rating scale was prepared to assess the frequency of technology usage as well as their opinion regarding the current situation. A google form consisting of 18 questions were prepared and sent to the participants. Qualitative analysis was done to assess the challenges and opportunities the teacher trainees faced in the current pandemic situation will be highlighted. The paper discusses the pros and cons of online and recorded classes.
Keywords: Teacher-trainees, in-service teachers, COVID-19, technology, online classes, recorded classes, challenges and opportunities.
[1] Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysuru-570006.
[2] Research Officer, Department of Special Education, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysuru-570006
[3] Research Officer, Department of Special Education, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysuru-570006