The aim of the study is to identify new recommendations on higher-order thinking skills especially critical thinking in NEP 2020. Developing thinking skills have an important place in the educational process. The indispensable components of critical thinking are analysis, self-regulation, making comments, detecting assumptions, explaining things, and employing assessment. In this 21st century, National Education Policy (NEP 2020) has assumed a significant role in the critical thinking skills of students and teachers. The NEP 2020 initiative encourages active pedagogy, the development of fundamental abilities and life skills, including 21st-century skills, experimental learning at all levels, low-stakes board exams, a comprehensive progress card, changes to assessment to foster student’s critical and higher-order thinking, mainstreaming the vocational education, and reforms to teacher education. In this study aspects of critical thinking in NEP 2022 are analyzed.
Keywords: Critical thinking, NEP- 2020 (National Education Policy-2020), PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), NAS (National Assessment Policy).
[1] Research Scholar, N.S.S. Training College Ottapalam, 679101, Palakkad, Kerala, India
[2] Assistant Professor, N.S.S. Training College Ottapalam, 679101, Palakkad, Kerala, India