Learning disorders among the children has become a cause of concern for the governments all over the world. Studies in various countries all over the world including India found the prevalence rate of learning disorders among the children to be around10-15%. Efforts have been made to find ways and means to treat this problem. Educational and Clinical solutions are being adopted to correct the problem. In education, cognitive approach has been found to be quite successful. Researchers compared different cognitive approaches to find which is better for students with learning disorders. But no specific cognitive approach has been found. In the present study, the investigator tried to compare the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching and mediated learning on learning disabled students in the subject of science. After applying 2x2x2 ANOVA on the sample of 64 identified learning disabled students,it has been found that the group subjected to Reciprocal teaching (A1) scored significantly higher than the group subjected to Mediated Learning (A2).