The present study was undertaken to know the perception of High school students about the social, cultural and recreational status of women. A sample of 240 students was taken from Devakottai Educational District of Tamilnadu for the purpose of the investigation. Data was collected through the questionnaire prepared for the purpose. The results reveal that the students possess poor positive perception regarding; remarriage of widows lowers their status (67.5%) divorce is not advisable on the part of women though their family life is not happy (33.7%) beauty contest degrades the status of women in advertisements is necessary to boost sales (60.8%). Also, the study reveals that sex, community and exposure to mass media affect the perception of high school students about the social, cultural and recreational status of women.
[1] Prof and Dean, Department of Education, School of Education and HRD, Dravidian University,Kuppam, A.P. State, India.
[2] Research Scholar, Department of Education, School of Education and HRD, Dravidian University, Kuppam, A.P. State, India.
[3] B. T. Assistant, Chidambaram Chettiar Higher Secondary School for Girls, Kottaiyur.