Sri. Aurobindo cannot be considered a philosopher in the strict western sense though he had acquired the western philosophical traditions through his British education and later readings. It is also wrong to think of him as a traditional Indian ‘ holy man’ though many in India recognized him not only as an accomplished ‘yogi’ but also as an avatar of new age. His concept of mind is different from others. To him, the mind is the primary means of manifestation in man. According to Sri Aurobindo, super mind is a state of consciousness. Sri Aurobindo condenses a whole lot of theories of education and a new form of pedagogy closer to integral approach to education. Sir Auribindo never tired of calling for what he termed “a national education”. He gave his brief definition for it. The education which starting with the past and making full use of the present bulids up a great nation. In this paper the author discusses contribution of Sri Aurobindo in Education.
Keywords: Education, Contribution, Super mind .
[1] Assistant Professor (Education), Department of Education, ICDEOL, Himachal Pradesh University Shimla.