THE SINKING ECONOMY By Vidyadharan Nair[1]
Abstract: A sinking economy of India is pictured, especially since 2011. The Rupee Conundrum
pISSN 2320-9305 eISSN 2347-5706
Abstract: A sinking economy of India is pictured, especially since 2011. The Rupee Conundrum
The present educational scenario makes one seriously reflect about the reasons and find the solutions
Abstract Good posture involves having a relaxed appearance and a “neutral spine.” A neutral
introduction Education is a comprehensive term. Its meaning is as wide as life. It is
Abstract The present study investigated the effect of Constructivist Approach on Attitude of Pupil
Abstract Men & women bring different specific strength & limitations. This is reflected in the
Abstract Computer animations must be used to understand the complex, abstract and dynamic scientific concepts
India is often characterized as an emerging economic super power. The huge demographic dividend,
Education is a fundamental human right which Provides free and compulsory education to all children
Abstract A well-defined and enforced corporate governance provides a structure that works for the benefit